Skills, cont.
- First aid: medical training to support life until a medical treatment facility is available
- Field surgery (to stabilize critical damage)
- Wheeled vehicles: ability to operate a variety of wheeled vehicles, both combat and support
- Tracked vehicles: ability to operate a variety of tracked vehicles, both combat and support
- Aircraft: ability to operate a variety of airborne vehicles, both combat and support
- Dropship
- Conventional
- Helicopter
- Interrogation: training in the systematic questioning of individuals
- Swimming: ability to stay afloat and swim moderate distances in combat gear
- Reconnaissance: ability to gather information, spot targets, and stealth
- Mechanic: ability to fix vehicles and manufacture small parts
- Forward observer: acting as a spotter for remote fire
- Indirect fire: ability to accurately hit targets out of sight
- Electronics: ability to design, build, and repair electrical circuits and use electronic equipment
- Radio (includes communications and RDF)
- Computers: ability to use and repair computers and computer-controlled equipment
- Gunsmith: ability to repair and maintain weapons and fabricate repair parts
- Small arms
- Heavy weapons
- Vehicles
- Supply: ability to acquire hard-to-find gear and have equipment delivered quickly
- Mountaineering: ability to scale mountains and navigate in mountainous terrain
- Parachute: ability to successfully use a parachute and land on target
- HALO (High Altitude, Low Opening)-military version of high altitude skydiving requiring use of oxygen tanks
- HAHO (High Altitude, High Opening)-using a parachute to glide to a target from several thousand meters
- Small boats: small-craft navigation and general seamanship
- Harsh environments: ability to use environmental suits and knowledge of environmental tactics
- No atmosphere
- Non-terra formed environments
- Xenomorphs: ability to identify aliens and determine information such as feeding and breeding habits, habitat, etc.
- Navigation: ability to use a map & compass, travel overland using landmarks, track movement using stars, etc.
- Stealth: moving silently without detection
- Chemistry: knowledge of basic chemical reactions and compounds (useful for making improvised explosives)
<Skills, part 1
- Current info
- Game structure
- Game mechanics
- Weapons & Armor
- Source code