- 6/18/07-Several things to mention. I had foot surgery so I'm recovering from that. I have to keep my foot propped up so I can't get on my Mac very often, where I have Dreamweaver and most of my other development tools installed, so I still can't do a lot of updates. I tried a few months ago but Sourceforge wouldn't take my login creditals so I couldn't put up my updates. Also, I'm going to forego creating a new game engine. The project at OpenRPG has exactly what I wanted to include in my game and with the latest updates it should work well enough that I don't need to reinvent it. Plus, it's also written in Python so if I have anything I want to add, I can put them into an established FOSS project rather than starting another that just duplicates its efforts. In that vein, I plan on only making the rules for a Colonial Marines game and let players use OpenRPG to play it. This should be a lot easier for me, especially since I'm trying to finish my MS degree by next June. If I have time, I will make an OpenRPG "character sheet" for use w/ OpenRPG directly, so players don't have to take the time to custom make a character every time.
- 2/15/07-I updated the Subversion server with an updated version of the character creation program. I'm having problems getting the different windows to pass information back and forth, so I'm looking at a different way to do this. Since the game will be online anyways, why not just make the whole thing web based from the beginning? In that vein, I'm looking at making the character creation app from a standalone program into a browser-based one. I haven't decided on the technology I'll use yet; that's one of the reasons I haven't added new code in a while. I'm looking at either using Django (since it's Python based like my current code) or learning Ruby on Rails (since it's one of the most popular rapid web app frameworks). Either way I have to learn a new scheme so it will probably take a while.
- 11/14/06-Still haven't made any new updates. School is taking a lot of my free time. I'll try and put some new stuff up ASAP. I have been working on a new GUI for the text-based character creation program; I'm learning Qt to see if PyQt will be a better approach for the program. I'll see what happens. I've also removed this site from the various WebRing affiliations since I don't have the time to justify driving new traffic to this site. Perhaps when my MS degree is done I will reapply to the WebRing.
- 09/25/06-No updates for the past two months because I've enrolled in a Master's degree program and I'm trying to figure out which GUI library to use. I've tried Tkinter and wxPython but I'm also thinking about making a web app version of the game so no one has to install the software. Added a source code repository to the Google code repository.
- 07/23/06-Site renewal time is coming up so CMRPG is moving to Sourceforge for hosting. Revised site structure (hard coded navigation tree, removed "What's new", removed Google ads, removed source code and Python tutorial sections.
- 06/19/06-Added several pictures to the weapons section for clarification. Added new skills to skills section.
- 05/30/06-Colonial Marines RPG is now hosted on Sourceforge. A Subversion server for code management is implimented and other features will be brought online as needed.
- 05/16/06-Added new Python modules to the Source Code directory and changed all code pages to allow only download versions of the code.
- 04/27/06-Changed the ranks and MOS criteria to allow a better chance of getting "the good stuff". Officer ranks are now given if the dice roll is >5 instead the original 7. The criteria for becoming a pilot has been changed to make it easier for an officer to get and the requirements for the Recon MOS have also been modified.
- 04/15/06-Added new Source Code directory and a Dice Roller Python file page and download.
- 04/01/06-Added Character Initiative, Personal Gear, CMRPG Equipment, and Starting Equipment pages.
- 02/19/06-Added Documenting Python to the Python tutorials; patched CMRPG forums to latest phpbb version.
- 02/12/06-Copied the most recent Python tutorial (Basic Statements) from the forums to the site.
- 02/03/06-Revamped entire site. Created a dynamic navigation bar and "what's new" section, seperated sections for greater clarity, and added new section "intros".
- 11/19/05-Had eye surgery on the 14th. Still a little blurry so unable to make significant additions to site.
- 10/4/05-Added the heavy weapons chart.
- 9/30/05-Added the example character sheet page.
- 9/29/05-Added new Python tutorials and added Heavy Weapons to the Weapons & Armor section.
- 9/13/05-Added Python tutorials, added page bookmarks for Weapons & Armor section, fixed MOS table color, and corrected AdSense code.
- 9/4/05-Revising entire site using Dreamweaver templates.
- 8/18/05-Moved to a new host and purchased domain name.
- 7/22/05-Added an RSS news feed for the site.
- 6/15/05-Arrived in Hawaii and getting settled. Added extensive source info for weapons and armor section.
- 5/1/05-Added a brief description and flowchart for the game design structure.
- 4/30/05-Separated the character design page into subsections; added breadcrumbs to pages (not correct yet).
- 4/24/05-Joined the Aliens WebRing; changed the template style; converted most pages to php.
- 4/22/05-Added sample character sheet; posted ideas for new character types and aliens to forum.
- 4/20/05-Separated the original rule sheet into separate areas
- Current info
- Game structure
- Game mechanics
- Weapons & Armor
- Source code